Ashley Cameron Design

Ashley Cameron Design

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Good evening
Bone Creek Museum Membership Card Gallery Space

Bone Creek Membership Card Arrived

This post was last updated: Aug 7, 2022

About a 1.3 minute read

"There is one thing one has to have: either a soul that is cheerful by nature, or a soul made cheerful by work, love, art, and knowledge."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Today, we received our Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art membership card in the mail that I designed in mid-October.

Out of the ordinary printing

We opted to try Morning Print, an online printer, who printed these on their clear plastic. We were hoping they would be a little thicker, but they’re still a nice change from ordinary standard stock paper cards.

About Bone Creek

Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art is non-profit museum located in David City, Nebraska (population: 2,900) and the “nation’s only exclusively agrarian art museum”. They have visitors from all 50 states and 7 countries. The museum is well-known for hometown artist Dale Nichols, whose painting Morning Chore is featured on the 2016 membership card and cover of the brochure.

Visit their website for more information, and definitely attend an event and/or exhibition, if you have the chance. They’re a welcoming group of people.

My Relationship with the Museum

In 2010, I was presented with the opportunity, through my husband Ryan Cameron and architect who served on the board at the time, to work with the board to redesign and develop their website. Since then, the website has been upgraded a couple of times to meet the needs of e-commerce, technology and mobile devices. I have also designed a couple of membership brochures, redesigned their newsletter, updated sponsorship material and various other collateral, laid out the Denise Lemaster catalog, and defined brand standards for their existing logo.

A rewarding experience

Bone Creek has allowed me the creative freedom to design and do what I do best, which, in return, has resulted in national recognition, increased visibility, an established beautiful collection of collateral, and a growing list of awards. Together, we won 2011 Outstanding Website award from the Nebraska Department of Travel & Tourism, 2012 Mountain Plains Museums Association (MPMA) Magazines, Newsletter, Publication Award for quarterly Agrarian Art Newsletter, and swept the field in 2014 MPMA in Publication Design awards.

I’m looking forward to our future together to continue helping them grow and prosper.

Bone-Creek-Museum-membership-card-gallery-spaceBone-Creek-Museum-membership-card-galleryBone-Creek-Museum-membership-card-exterior Bone-Creek-membership-card-and-brochure