Ashley Cameron Design

Ashley Cameron Design

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How to Add a Cron Job in WordPress Using WP Crontrol Plugin (example using BackWPUp) with ALTERNATE_WP_CRON


About a 1 minute read

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Steve Jobs

For a website, we have to use define( ‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’, true ); which has stopped the BackWPup plugin from running on any schedule. This took me way longer to figure out than it probably should have, so I hope someone else finds this really useful.

Here’s what I did to get my schedules to work by triggering the manual backup links.

Add a BackWPup Job

Set the Job Schedule to Start job with a link

Add a New WP Crontrol Event Using PHP cron event

In the PHP Code, insert wp_remote_get() with the respective BackWPup Job link.
For example:

wp_remote_get( ‘’ );

For the Event Name, give a name you can call in the Cron Schedules. Set the Next Run time. Set the Recurrence interval.

For each backup you want to run, you’ll need to set up those jobs separately and add the separate cron events & schedules.

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