Ashley Cameron Design

Ashley Cameron Design

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Create A Wine Glass (.obj) In Illustrator & Photoshop For Adobe Dimension

Create a Wine Glass (.obj) in Illustrator & Photoshop for Adobe Dimension

This post was last updated: Sep 4, 2020
Adobe DimensionAdobe IllustratorAdobe PhotoshopTutorials

About a 1 minute read

"The art of living… is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive."

Alan Watts

0:00 Use a reference photo & draw the left half of the container in Illustrator
3:40 Paste the vector object into Photoshop
4:00 Go to 3D, New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer
4:18 Use the preset to revolve around the right-side axis
4:26 Adjust the Extrusion Depth to not quite 0 (make sure there’s no hole)
5:10 Remove hidden backfaces and lines to clean up object
5:20 Export 3D layer as .OBJ
6:08 In Dimension, import your .OBJ
6:24 ‘F’ key will center your imported object into view
6:35 Choose materials and lighting/environment
8:50 Create liquid for the container/glass
11:19 If container has multiple parts, merge 3D layers to keep objects together
14:00 Bonus – tips for lighting and modifications to help glass look more realistic