Ashley Cameron Design

Ashley Cameron Design

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The Search For Wild Constellation

The Search For Wild – Radio Series & Galaxy of Sound Constellation

This post was last updated: Oct 3, 2022

About a 1 minute read

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Steve Jobs


Big River Connectivity funded a grant for a KHOI Radio Series called The Search For Wild. The interviews were developed by Mark Edwards and Ursula Ruedenberg. Three, hour-long programs covered the themes of BeWildReWild—aired in December 2020. Artist Autumn Rozario Hall received a grant to create a series of nine constellation-based paintings featuring animals that make their home in Iowa to accompany the KHOI grant project audio clips for the BeWild ReWild website.

Ashley used the audio and constellation artwork to create a unique interactive experience called the Galaxy of Sound. Each animal has its own theme page with pulsing nodes on the constellation. Upon hover, the nodes play a brief audio clip related to the theme. An audio index page of the themes was also created.

Here’s the dragonfly asking individuals the question, “What is Wild?”.