Intensity Nutrition Supplement Label Design
About, History, & Design Inspiration
Intensity Nutrition
Raising the bar on sports supplements
Package Design
The packaging, print ads, t-shirt, and web banners were designed by Ashley Cameron while working for the minnow PROJECT in Lincoln, NE.
Founded by a former Navy SEAL and a group of hardcore functional fitness enthusiasts, Intensity Nutrition develops nutritional products for athletes who train and operate at the highest thresholds of athletic performance. Special operators and those who train at ultra-high intensity require unique nutritional support – and SEALs are famous for the intensity of their workouts.
Design Inspiration
The existing Intensity Nutrition package design primarily used the logo as the design element. Each supplement product looked the same other than the difference in the supplement name and left more to be desired to really stand out on the shelf amongst the competition.
In the discovery phase of the sports nutrition and supplement industry, other brands use bold, loud colors, a “rock & roll” feeling with grunge textures and typography (often poor font choices), others excessively use a reflective foil material or a solid bright color with modern sans-serifs, edgy, or techie type. Most supplement labels are overcrowded and noisy.
Ashley’s goal with these labels was to keep the design controlled—pulled back from the noise of competing brands—and use vibrant colors, geometric shapes, and icons to differentiate each supplement type. Ashley honed into the use of two fonts, Proxima Nova and Eurostile, to simplify, and fashion a modern, geometric design that retains masculinity and athleticism and is unisex.
The labels are printed on a holographic foil film which highlights the logo icon and thin lines in the geometric circle graphics at random. The subtlety of reflection through the label is tasteful and refined.
Iconic Design
Each product line uses a different color and an icon that can stand alone and as an element to play with creatively.

A water droplet represents replenishment and hydration with necessary nutrients during intense workouts.

A synergistic icon represents the bond of rebuilding Branch-Chained Amino Acids (BCAAs) for the proteins in your body.

A fuel gauge represents the energy, mental focus, and muscle endurance this drink provides to enhance workouts.

A flame represents thermogenesis which increases the metabolism to burn fat & aid in weight loss while maintaining energy.

An atom represents this scientifically-formulated drink to maximize muscles with precise amounts of the branch-chained amino acids.
Feature in PAGE Magazine

Intensity Nutrition’s supplement packaging rebrand quickly gained recognition in PAGE Magazine’s 2016 December issue entitled ICONS (page 025). Ashley was pleasantly surprised when a writer from Germany contacted her for a brief interview and requested assets for the publication. Visit the webpage online.
Power & Strength

Icons in Corporate and UX Design
They are everywhere: Icons, pictograms, emoji—but by no means always fulfill their function. Where are the opportunities where the limits in the use of icons? And what must be considered in their design?
Kraft und Stärke
An Supersportler richtet sich das Angebot von Intensity Nutrition. Für jedes der fünf Produkte gestaltete die Designerin Ashley Cameron aus West Des Moines, Iowa (, ein Icon, das den Sinn der jeweiligen Nahrungsergänzung klarmacht: ein Wassertropfen für Elektrolyte, ein Atom für gewaltigen Muskelzuwachs, die Tankanzeige für den power boost vorm Sport, Feuer als Fettverbrenner und schließlich eine vereinfachte Aminosäurenstruktur für das Molkenprotein. Mit den starken Symbolen und kräftigen Farben auf holografischer Folie stechen die Intensity-Nutrition-Produkte aus dem Bodybuilder-Einheitsbrei heraus.

T-shirt Designs

Magazine Ad Design
Hydrate Supplement Label Design & Nutrition Facts