Ashley Cameron Design

Ashley Cameron Design

Iconic Wine Beauties Website Video Preview

Iconic Wine Beauties

This post was last updated: Sep 14, 2022

About a 1 minute read

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

Albert Einstein


Iconic Wine Beauties


Iconic Wine Beauties is three best friends, Bryiana, Meraiah & Nora who like to drink wine, throw parties, share stories, and laugh. Together they’re going on a journey to inspire and empower women to transform their dreams into reality. So sit back, relax, pour yourself a glass and join them on their wine tasting adventures.

Design Inspiration

The logo was inspired by watercolor and hand-lettering for ‘Wine’ to give a mix of fun and contemporary elegance. The website displays large serif (Bodoni Classic & Old Standard TT) typography in contrast with the smaller, elegant Raleway body font. Each page layout is unique, combining full bleed colorful watercolor treated photography, white space, and gridded blog posts. Best of all, Bootstrap could easily handle the job to make this beautiful site responsive across mobile devices.