Iconic Beauty by Bryiana Dyrdek
Iconic Beauty is a women’s empowerment brand built on the foundation of mentorship and personal development to inspire, empower, and transform real women and help them accomplish their dreams. Bryiana Dyrdek has combined her experience and resources with the knowledge she’s gained through pageants, modeling, personal development and studying other influential leaders to create the perfect opportunity for women who are seeking more. Iconic Beauty was not created to find Hollywood’s idea of perfect; only the Ultimate Dreamer, possible diamond in the rough, a true go-getter… an Iconic Beauty.
Design Inspiration
The logo of Iconic Beauty was inspired by high fashion, simple, text-based brands and Victoria Secret. The overall black and white color scheme with pink and ombre accents lets colorful photography of the models shine, providing a balance of formal, elegant, and fun. The website displays large serif (Bodoni Classic & Old Standard TT) typography in contrast with the smaller, elegant Raleway body font. Each page layout is fresh and atypical. Best of all, Bootstrap could easily handle the job to make this beautiful site visible across mobile devices.

About Page

Email Template