Ashley Cameron Design

Ashley Cameron Design

 Encore Equipment Website Refresh Mock Up

Encore Equipment

This post was last updated: Sep 14, 2022

About a 1 minute read

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Steve Jobs


Encore Equipment


Since 1988, Encore has served the mowing industry with a full line of high quality mowers that get the job done right the first time. With easier maintenance, precision blade alignment, and tough durability plus an industry leading warranty, Encore strengthens your hand and protects your investment. In March of 2011, Encore was purchased by Worldlawn Power Equipment, Inc.

About the Project

This website features large images of the products, as designed by Scott at Aradius Group, while the back-end has a robust and organized structure of the models and specs to display all of the related information to models seamlessly on the front-end.