Ashley Cameron Design

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Gmail Html Signature Settings

How to Add an HTML Email Signature to Gmail

This post was last updated: Oct 8, 2022

About a 1 minute read

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

Albert Einstein

These four easy steps are for an HTML signature that’s already been coded.

Step 1: Open your HTML file

Open the HTML file (or click on the link provided to you by the developer) in a browser, such as Google Chrome, Safari, or another browser of choice.


Step 2: Copy Signature

Select all of your signature design (Cmd+A) and Copy (Cmd+C)
OR go to Edit > Select All and then Edit > Copy

Step 3: Open Gmail Settings

In the upper right of Gmail, click on the gear icon and go to Settings.

Step 4: Paste HTML Signature & Save

Under the General tab (the default landing tab) in Settings, scroll down until you find the Signature section. Click inside the Signature edit box and (Cmd+V)
OR go to Edit > Paste to paste in the HTML signature.

Click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the screen.

Need an Email Signature designed and coded?

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